Hike Canada en Marche held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, June 14, 2015 across Canada. Hike Canada en Marche is the Federal non-profit organization that helps to coordinate the National Hike Trail / Sentier Pédestre National from St. John, Newfoundland to Port Alberni, BC. Each Province is represented by directors on the HCEM Board of Directors.
After receiving a Certification of Continuance from the Federal Government in November 2014, HCEM was able to hold AGM meetings via internet, rather than having to have directors meet in person. This is a much more practical solution in a country as large as Canada.
At this year’s HCEM AGM, provinces were represented by directors from coast to coast. Eleven directors and three guests were present at the AGM. HCEM is fiscally in okay shape with several donations made this year. Main challenges remain with a project that spans the country. Funding and resources remain high on the list of things to tackle. HCEM’s goals for this year include defining the National Hiking Trail, consistent branding of the trail, and mapping the trail on Google maps. The directors finished the meeting with a renewed sense of optimism.